Posts Tagged ‘mathematics education’

Learning Mathematics in an Authentic Mobile Environment: The Perceptions of Students

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

Bayaa, N. & Daher, W. (2009). Learning Mathematics in an Authentic Mobile Environment: the Perceptions of Students. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 3 (Special Issue, IMCL 2009), 6-14.

Scenarios of Mobile Interactive Learning

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

The presentation offers scenarios designed for the elementary and the secondary schools regarding modeling physical situations, manipulating with applications that go beyond the regular use of graphing calculators, augmenting textbooks for encouraging interactive reading and supporting classroom interactions.


Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Sketch2Go 0.84

Sketch2Go is a qualitative graphing tool. Graphs are sketched using seven icons representing constant, increasing, and decreasing functions that change at constant, increasing, or decreasing rates.

Description | Features | Suggested Activities
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Sketch2Go encourages visual exploration of phenomena by providing qualitative indication of the ways in which the sketch drawn by the user changes. [...]


Saturday, March 15th, 2008

Sketch2Go 0.84

Sketch2Go is a qualitative graphing tool. Graphs are sketched using seven icons representing constant, increasing, and decreasing functions that change at constant, increasing, or decreasing rates. read more…

Version: 0.84
Size: 80 KB

Total Downloads: 49224

I want to download using my mobile phone
I want to download using my PC
I want to try it online before [...]


Saturday, March 15th, 2008

If you can’t see a cellular phone to the left, download the appropriate java version from this link. Install, restart your browser and try again.
Note: You can also use your keyboard for navigating and your mouse for choosing menu elements. Just click on the phone screen.
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