Si no apareciera un teléfono celular a la izquierda, descargar la versión de java apropiada para este enlace. Instalar, restaurar el buscador y reintentar.
Atención: Puede emplearse también el teclado para navegar y el mouse (ratón) para seleccionar elementos del menú. Basta con pulsar en la pantalla del teléfono.
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Sketch2Go 0.84
Graph Screen
Right/Left keysMove Vertice mode: Move the x position of the vertice.
Add Segments mode: Move’s through the segment icons
Up/Down keys
Move Vertice/Edge mode: Raise/lower vertice/edge position.
Add Segments mode: Move through the segment icons
Fire key (center of joystick)
Move Vertice/Edge mode: Select/unselect a vertice/edge -
The selected vertice/edge will be changes color from red to green.
Add Segments mode: Draw the selected segment from the segment icons at the bottom.
0 Key
Show/hide quickMenu
5 Key
Move Vertice/Edge mode: Select/unselect vertice/edge.
1/7 Keys
Move the derivative screen up/down.
3/9 Keys
Move the function screen up/down.
Pound Key (#)
Reset function and derivative screen location.
Star Key (*)
Show / hide Main Menu.
Use the left/right keys to cycle through menu options.Press select key (the joystick center key) to enter your selection.
Move Vertice / Move Edge
Enter vertice/edge movie mode
Add Segments
Returns to add segments mode
Main Menu
SMS Center
Inbox: Shows a list of recieved drawings. Press right \ left to cycle through details or press right soft button for more options.Send Drawing: Sends the graph to another cellular phone (not available in this demo).
Send Sketch2Go: Sends a download link to another cellular phone (not available in this demo).
Load: Load a previously saved drawing from the archive.Save: Save the current drawing.
Delete: Delete a previously saved drawing from the archive.
Tags: algebraic symbols, barcode, diagrammatic representation, download, education tools, educational technology, functional relationships, grapher, increasing and decreasing functions, J2ME, live demo, math, mathematical construction, mathematical modeling, mathematical phenomena, mathematical representation, mathematics, mathematics education, mobile phone, numerical tables, seven signs, sketch, Sketch2Go, tedious details, temporal phenomena, tool graphs, visual exploration