If you can’t see a cellular phone to the left, download the appropriate java version from this link. Install, restart your browser and try again.
Note: You can also use your keyboard for navigating and your mouse for choosing menu elements. Just click on the phone screen.
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Quad2Go 0.84


Drawing Screen

Right/Left keys
Move Vertice/Edge mode: Move right/left vertice/edge position
Up/Down keys
Move Vertice/Edge mode: Raise/lower vertice/edge position.
Fire key (center of joystick)
Move Edge/Vertice mode: Select/unselect a vertice/edge
The selected point /edge is marked by a red circle
0 Key
Show/hide quickMenu
7 Key
New Random Quadrilateral
Move Vertice/Edge mode: Select/unselect vertice/edge
Pound Key (#)
Show the Shapes Menu
Star Key (*)
Show/hide the Main Menu


Use the left/right keys to cycle through menu options.
Press fire key (center of joystick) to enter your selection.
Prev/Next Quad
Cycle through the last 10 drawn shapes
Move Vertice / Move Edge
Enter vertice/edge move mode

Main Menu

SMS Center

Inbox: Shows a list of recieved drawings. Press right \ left to cycle through details or press right soft button for more options.
Send Drawing: Sends the graph to another cellular phone (not available in this demo).
Send Quad2Go: Sends a download link to another cellular phone (not available in this demo).


Load: Load a previously saved drawing from the archive.
Save: Save the current drawing.
Delete: Delete a previously saved drawing from the archive.