Si no apareciera un teléfono celular a la izquierda, descargar la versión de java apropiada para este enlace. Instalar, restaurar el buscador y reintentar.
Atención: Puede emplearse también el teclado para navegar y el mouse (ratón) para seleccionar elementos del menú. Basta con pulsar en la pantalla del teléfono.

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Graph2Go 0.84


Graph Screen

Right/Left keys
Cycle between coefficients.
If in integral mode, cycle also through the C coefficient
Up/Down keys
Increase/decrease the value of the marked coefficient
Fire key (center of joystick)
Show a list of coefficiants for changing their value. Also, the step precision of the up\down and the 1\7\3\9 keys (when used for value changing) can be set using the “Precision” parameter that appears in the list.
0 Key
Show/hide the quickMenu
1 Key
Set random coefficients (if not in integral view).
1/7 Keys
If in integral view:
Use the 1/7 keys to move the left boundary of the area under the curve according to the step precision (see Fire key).
3/9 Keys
If in integral view:
Use the 3/9 keys to move the right boundary according to the step precision (see Fire key).
If in x values view:
Use the 3/9 keys to increase/decrease the x value according to the step precision (see Fire key).
7 Key
Move Axes/Zoom mode: Reset the axes and zoom values
Pound Key (#)
Press once for the Template Menu.
Press twice for the Information Menu.
Star Key (*)
Show/hide the Main Menu.


Use the left/right keys to cycle through menu options.
Press fire key (center of joystick) to enter your selection.
Move Axes
Use the arrow keys to move to the desired location (press 7 to reset location)
Use the up/down keys to zoom in/out
Clear all information and show only the function
Show the derivative function.
Show a possible integral function and the value of the area under the curve in an interval
Show minimum, maximum, and inflection points.
x Values
Provides the function value for a given x value.

SMS Center

Inbox: Shows a list of recieved drawings. Press right \ left to cycle through details or press right soft button for more options.
Send Drawing: Sends the graph to another cellular phone (not available in this demo).
Send Graph2Go: Sends a download link to another cellular phone (not available in this demo).


Load: Load a previously saved drawing from the archive.
Save: Save the current drawing.
Delete: Delete a previously saved drawing from the archive.